
1. Physical layer technologies for decomposed and disaggregated data center, cloud and edge computing platforms.

Organizers: Juan-Jose Vegas Olmos (NVIDIA, Denmark) and Jose Manuel Delgado Mendinueta (NICT, Japan)


Networks for datacom and telecom have been decomposed into its key components and they are being disaggregated in order for services and applications to access them seamlessly. Hence, instead of building very heterogenous fabrics, current cloud and edge computing platforms are uniformly stack with clusters of underlying technologies (i.e. memory or processing). This decomposition process is possible thanks to high-capacity and low latency interconnect systems that effectively bridge space and distance, so abstract layers on such individual components can be virtualized.To support this decomposition, there is a body of work in the area of high-speed communications, optical switching, spatial division multiplexing (with embedded switching), frequency comb generators, and novel 2D and 3D co-integration platforms for denser physical layer functionalities integration.

Speakers include:

  • “Maximizing capacity in data center interconnects and 6G converged PON and optical fronthaul, using NOMA-CAP”, Jose Antonio Lazaro (UPC)
  • “Towards a converged computing, networking, and optical solution at the edge”, Filippo Cugini (CNIT)
  • “Path towards Tbit/s short reach interconnects”, Nikolay Ledentsov Jr. (VI-Systems)

2. Are we ready for the Quantum Era? The evolution of the QKD test-beds in the next decade

Organizers: Alberto Gatto (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Michela Svaluto Moreolo (CTTC, Spain)


In the last decades, the broad interest in photonics quantum technologies has led to several international scientific initiatives, dedicated to the development of new technologies to be employed in the next-generation optical networks. Among the different envisaged applications, quantum key distribution (QKD) has attracted the attention of the scientific community, owing to its potential of sharing information-theoretic secure (ITS) symmetric keys, thanks to the fundamental principles of quantum physics. Unlike digital bits, in fact, quantum states cannot be perfectly copied due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, leading to an unconditionally secure information exchange totally immune to any algorithmic cryptoanalysis. QKD is considered a quite mature technology, even though its employment in real networks is still not at hand and its commercialization needs some efforts to reach the operational standard required by mass-production devices.

In such a scenario, test beds and field-trials assume a strategic importance, since they permit to fill the gap between the ideal conditions of table-top experiments and the uncontrolled behavior of real-world environments. Moreover, the complete QKD protocol stack can be tested, leading to the development of intermediate and application layers ready for QKD integration in optical networks. The outcomes of test-beds are essential to reach a deeper knowledge of the quantum technology itself and of the requirements of the next-future commercially available devices, in order to guarantee the mandatory performance and to conceive fully-operative quantum networks.

The workshop aims to present the already deployed QKD test-bed infrastructures, focusing on their peculiarities in terms of involved technology and strategic vision for future implementation. Different architectures will be discussed in view of a widespread adoption of QKD in the already-deployed communication networks and to open a vibrant debate on new challenges and test-bed evolution for the next years.

Speakers include: 

14:00 Welcome & Introduction(Alberto Gatto –Michela Svaluto Moreolo)
14:05 Hannes Hübel (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)“Deployment of QKD use-cases in the OPENQKD project”
14:25 Diego Lopez (Telefonica, Spain)“MadQCI. The Multiverse Quantum Testbed”
14:45 Paul Wright (British Telecom, UK) “BT’s UK QKD System Field Trials”
15:05Paolo Martelli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)“PoliQIinitiative for a QKD infrastructure in the urban area of Milano”
15:25 Chigo Okonkwo (TuE, The Netherlands)“Building up a National Quantum Communications Infrastructure in the Netherlands”
15:45 Final Panel

3. Fiber-Optic Telecom Network as a Sensor: Scientific Endeavour, Business Opportunity or just a Buzz Word?

Organizer: Patryk Urban, West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT), Poland


The workshop will address the interleaving application areas of photonics in sensing and telecommunications. The speakers will present their views on the concept of using telecom infrastructure also for sensing purposes. The organizers aim at gathering in total about four representatives of telecom operator, telecom equipment vendor, sensing equipment vendor and academia to provide a complete perspective onto opportunities and challenges in this area.

Speakers include:

  • “Optical Access Network Serving Sensor Applications”, Philippe Chanclou, Fabienne Saliou, Gaël Simon, Orange (France)
  • “Is Joint Optical Communication and Sensing a Table Stake?”, Jim Zhou, ADVA (Germany)
  • “Current challenges in the Fiber Bragg Grating-based sensing for telecom networks”, Konrad Markowski, Fiber Team Photonic Solutions (Poland)