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IEEE/OSA JOCN Special Issue

Selected ONDM2022 papers will be considered for publication in the IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN) ONDM2022 Special Issue, to be published in Spring 2023. The selection criteria include the conference paper’s score, novelty, and impact.  The extensibility of the paper with significant new material is also a key requirement for inclusion in this Special Issue.  

Submission instructions

Authors are encouraged to submit either abstract papers (3 pages) or full papers (up to 6 pages) describing original, unpublished research results, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing forefront research and development in the area of optical network design and modelling. Papers should be in English, and should follow the standard IEEE conference style.

Only PDF files with all fonts embedded are accepted. Your submitted PDF file and registered EDAS account of a paper must list the same author(s), title and abstract. Papers where the PDF and EDAS account do not match the author(s), title, and/or abstract will be withdrawn by the Technical Program Co-Chairs.

Authors must submit their papers electronically through EDAS using the following link:

Call for Papers

Following the tradition of previous editions, ONDM 2022 addresses cutting-edge research in established areas of optical networking and their adoption in support of a wide variety of new services and applications. This includes the most recent trends such as 5G and beyond; data-centre networking; Internet of Things; cloud/edge computing; content delivery; big data, data analytics, network telemetry and real-time monitoring; autonomic networking; artificial intelligence / machine learning assisted networks; visible light communications; and quantum secured networks.  

Such trends drive the need for increased capacity, efficiency, flexibility, and adaptability in the functions that the network can perform. In turn, these needs can be achieved by developing new optical network architectures, based on different optical network disaggregation models, exploiting and integrating novel multidimensional photonic technology solutions as well as by adopting open and highly programmable hardware and software platforms such as software-defined networking (SDN), and network function virtualization (NFV), to allow supporting new business models and opportunities. The scope of the conference includes but is not limited to the following topics:

  • Advances in optical network modelling and optimization 
  • Routing and spectrum assignment in fixed and flex-grid optical networks 
  • Optical network availability, resilience, survivability, security and privacy 
  • Multi-layer (e.g. IP over optical) networking
  • Optical networks exploiting photonic integrated circuits 
  • Visible light communications and networks 
  • Optical and wireless network convergence, including radio-over-fibre access networks 
  • Optical networks in 5G and beyond: backhaul, midhaul and fronthaul networking 
  • Novel and multidimensional optical network architectures
  • Multi-mode/few-modes optical spatial division multiplexed (SDM) networks
  • Novel optical node designs including disaggregation and open optical line systems 
  • Optical networks in support of intra-/inter-data centre connectivity and cloud/edge computing 
  • Optical network control, management and orchestration including SDN and NFV solutions 
  • Slicing, service chaining, virtualization and multi-tenancy techniques for optical networks 
  • Optical networking supporting low latency and high bandwidth network function virtualization 
  • Orchestration and control of IT and network resources in optical data-centre networks 
  • Artificial Intelligence and data analytics techniques for optical networks 
  • Novel network telemetry and real-time monitoring technologies for optical networks 
  • Energy efficiency in optical networks 
  • Transporting power over fibre 
  • The hollow fibre revolution in network design 
  • Optical networking in support of vertical industries 
  • Security of optical networks
  • Quantum technologies in optical networks
  • Field trials and interoperability demonstrations of optical networks 
  • Techno-economic studies of optical networks 

Best paper award

Best paper award

The best paper award will be awarded a monetary prize of 1500 Euro. All submitted papers are subject to the best paper award. The best paper will be selected by the conference award scientific committee. The best paper will be selected based on the technical excellence and quality of presentation. A decision on the best paper award will be made during conference and announced on the last day of conference. 

Best student paper award

The best student paper award will be awarded a monetary prize of 1000 Euro. Only papers with a student as the first author will be eligible for the competition. The best student paper will be selected by the conference award scientific committee. The best student paper will be selected based on the technical excellence and quality of presentation. A decision on the best student paper award will be made during conference and announced on the last day of conference.

The best paper award rules can be found here.